B&B orvieto, Bed & Breakfast il Terrazzo

The Fall of the Marmore

Opening time of the Water Fall of the Marmore

B&B il Terrazzo

  • "White room" an intimate bed room with private bathroom and breakfast.




Water Fall of the "Marmore"

The Water Fall of the Marmore
The Water Fall of the "Marmore" is an artificial fall that goes up again to the Roman age, the purposes that have the techniques of control of the waters are three and of fundamental importance: first of all to make cultivable and habitable new earths to free her from the stagnant waters, to irrigate the fields and water for the population of the cities.
The creation of the Fall of the Marmores happened for work of the Roman consul Curio Dentato in the 271 b.C. with the goal to reclaim the plain one of Rieti and to free therefore the valley Reatina from the swamp, that was caused by the river Velino; did therefore to dig in the rock a channel, (cable Curiano), doing so to fall in the underlying river Nera the river Velino.
To free the valley Reatina from the swamp caused by the waters of the river Velino, the consul Curio Dentato makes to dig in the rock a channel, denominated cable Curiano, making to fall in the underlying river Black the waters of the Velino, so the valley Reatina, even if in the plain Reatina some lakes remain in how much the cable Curiano doesn't succeed in containing completely the floods of the Velino and in the brief period the Fall resolves the problem of the swamp but it creates others of it in the territories to valley.

The Ternani in 1385 stop the project of the Reatini, to make an alternative channel to that Curiano, the Ternani fear the flood of own earths because of the excessive immission of waters of the river Velino in the river Nera, project that is interrupted therefore from the Ternani, project that however is taken back and completed by the Reatini in 1422, realized by the architect Fioravanti on commission of Arm Fortebraccio of Montone, after the Reatini in 1417 conquer Fortress St. Zenone, built by the Ternani to prevent note the change of the cable Curiano, the parallel cable built by the Reatini takes the name of cable Reatino.
After various attempts, Pope Clemente VIII entrusts the architect Giovanni Fontana to set remedy to the problem of the swamp of the plain Reatina, proposing the solution effected by the Romans in the III sec. b.C. and in 1601 it inaugurates the cable Clementino, in practice, it makes to widen and to lower the fund of the ancient cable Curiano, increasing the inclination to increase the speed of the waters; besides it makes to build a "bridge regulator" to regulate note the passage of water and to prevent so ruinous floods in the underlying valley of the river Nera.

The new channel finally succeeds in the Reatino, provoking the division of the lake Veils in more autonomous basins (lakes of Ventina, of Canale, of Cor of the Stella and Piediluco) and the run of the river making independent Velino. The "bridge regulator", however, it reveals entirely not him effective, the mass of water that falls from the Fall it hinders the outflow of the Nera and, in the periods of intense raininess, it provokes awry the flood of the countries for different kilometers of the Fall.

Only 1787 the architect's project Andrea Vinci gives actual aspect to the Fall, project approved by Pope Pious VI to realize You a diagonal cut around second leap.
In 1861 it begins the industrial future of Terni, from this moment in then the Fall it is not tool of reclamation of the territory or regulation of the water system anymore, but they start him to appraise the energetic possibilities.

Between 1881 and 1884 is built to Terni the Factory of weapons and it is for favoring installation that between 1873 and 1879 the Municipality he makes promoter of the construction of the channel Nerino.
In 1886 the Society of the Tall Ovens Foundries and Steelworkses of Terni, the first steelworks of Italy, begins working: all of its mechanisms are fed by the strength engine assured by 2 meters water's cubes derived by the right bank of the cable Curiano.